Saturday, February 22, 2020

Women of Color at the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Women of Color at the Workplace - Essay Example Today, the community comprises almost one-fifth of the workforce in the United States. Research indicates that major developments have happened regarding the recruitment of women of color in the recent past. The enlisting of each segment of women looked into such as Black American, Latino, Asian and Aboriginals, increased in the recent past (Amott and Matthaei 157). More females from all the categories are absorbed as officials and key members of the executive teams in the industrial sector. This paper examines how women of color used feminism to increase their power in the workplace. Statistics According to Amott and Matthaei (53) â€Å"Native Americans struggling for tribal autonomy and for the recognition of broken treaties have also had to confront corporate greed †¦Ã¢â‚¬  This implies that women of color have achieved tremendous gains, in terms of population at the workplace and the statuses of workplace environments, though not easily. Despite the progress made, there ar e still a number of stubborn occurrences which require more concern. Quite a large number of women of color tend to prefer particular industrial sectors and seem to have concentrated in insignificant occupational positions. Statistics indicate that â€Å"Native American women’s labor force participation rates rose sharply between 1970 and 1990, from 35 percent to 55 percent† (Amott and Matthaei 59). Nevertheless, in the recent past, they have achieved the smallest returns regarding total absorption into jobs and positions of significance, far smaller than the level of growth of Latinos and Asians. In the meantime, black women surpass their work force percentage as sales employees, clerical officers and those in the service sector. Notably, the Nursing and Residential Care Facilities sector absorbs the largest proportion of Black American women vis-a-vis the greatest proportion of women in general. Replacing men during World War I Whereas the chance for the women to ext end their careers came into fore during the First World War, there were several grounds why women of color transformed their principles to occupy the new job opportunities left by men. The main reason behind more women power at the workplace was inspired by patriotism factor. The then message from the government summoned women to support the country. Equally linked to this patriotic call was the need to engage in something more fascinating and different, and an issue which would enhance the combat effort. Higher remuneration, also partly contributed, as did the prevailing shore up in social status, though a number of women of color took up the opportunities in the workplace out of absolute need, because of the government program, which differed by country and eventually rooted for only the families of absent military officers did not meet the shortage. Unions and strikes Although, the war resulted in many new options for the women and job opportunities, it did not normally impact an increase in the earnings of the women, which were traditionally much poorer than men’s. In the United States, for instance, rather than offer a woman what a man would have pocketed, according to government policies on equal regulations, recruiters divided responsibilities down into less significant tasks, employing more women of color for each task and offering them peanuts for carrying out the responsibility. This increased the bureaucracy of the women, but shrunk their earnings. During the World War I, women organized strikes citing meager pay, developments that lasted days or several weeks as the war transpired. Amott and Matthaei (56) indicate that in 1980s, â€Å"American Indian women continued to form pan-Indian women’s organizations for self-determination and against sexism.†

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Eth3.2DBExperienceLovability Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eth3.2DBExperienceLovability - Article Example In any case, continued practice under harsh conditions predisposes nurses to potential deviation from standards care which in essence puts the practitioner at risk of liability of malpractice or negligence as depicted in a number of industry blogs. To that end, this paper draws valuable insights from an online blog on liability as it seeks to identify four common areas of nursing liability. Common areas of Nursing Liability Primarily, there are numerous areas in which nursing practitioners may be liable for deviation from standard care. However, this paper will only focus on the four common areas including professional negligence, malpractice, breach of professional code of conduct, incompetency. The occurrence of such liability elements are wide in scope and much depends of a number of factors such as they work condition as well as the operational norms or organizational culture of quality care as reiterated by Simon (2006). Some might be unforeseen while others could be inevitable especially where the life of the nurse is endangered by the patient, defective equipment or volatile work environment. In the case of professional negligence, it s is possible to handle a patient with confounding presentations. In addition, some patients may conceal vial information such as use of psychotic drugs in which case, deeper interrogation by the nursing may provoke the patient to turn violent or suicidal (Simon, 2006). That notwithstanding, nurses may overlook minor changes in patient conditions especially when they are understaffed in which case a nurse might be forced to handle many patients thereby resulting in potential delay of intervention. Failure to seek second opinion in complicated cases, or delaying needful medical intervention are indicative of deviation from standard case for which a nurse may face liability charges for negligence (Glabman, 2004; Phillips, 2013). The second area relates to malpractice where a nurse exposes the patient to a faulty or erroneous intervention out of which the patient suffers substantial injury, complication, disability or death. According to Croke (2003), faulty intervention devoid of proper adherence to professional guidelines and hypothetico-deductive clinical reasoning could amount to deviation from standard care. In the event that a similar incident occurs, the nurse in quest shall be held accountable in law. However, some aggrieved patients or their family might descend on the nurse out of anger thus causing the nurse grievous bodily or psychological harm even when the nurse could be having sufficient evidence in her defense. Due to lack of protective legislation like in the case on Montana, assaulted nurse may find not redress of justice for violation inasmuch as they stand perceived liability suit for malpractice as highlighted by Peter (2013). Breach of professional code of conduct is the third common area of liability. There are several clauses that go with professional code of conduct including iss ues of confidentiality, protocol and respect for client autonomy as argued by Simon (2006). Some of the medical emergencies could be life threatening with little time for proper administrative consultation. As a result, the case might warrant a resident nurse to take all practicable measures within her ability and medical judgment in the utmost effort to save life.